What to know when hiring an Edmonton Video Production CompanyIn the fast paced information filled province of Alberta video has become a powerful tool when marketing and communicating to the masses. In fact video has probably come across your desk more than once today alone and has made you consider or enticed you to look into a product or service. When marketing your own messages you may look at video as the best way to connect with your audience and this brings up a number of factors to consider to ensure you are getting your best bang for your buck. When shopping for a video production company there are a few factors to take into consideration along with points that separate a professional production company apart from a hobbyist. Find out exactly what type of equipment is being used in your production. A professional production company will offer a variety of equipment to achieve a specific look. Make sure when comparing quotes you are looking at the quality, Apples to apples if you will. When comparing those apples to apples keep in mind that different projects require special equipment and skill sets to achieve what your vision is. For example: variety of cameras, lenses, audio capture, and lighting, all to which are relevant to specific mediums. Production crews will vary depending on the project. Check your quote to see how many people will work on your project and what skills they possess. How much time is budgeted for each service? How much time is being spent in the 3 video production steps (i.e. pre production, production, and post production)? Does your video production company offer full and half day rates for production? Extra costs will add to your budget. What’s included in your equipment package?